Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 106
     Profile contains photos: 28
     In Memory: 69
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 61
     Military Service: 3
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Nancy Aberman
Michael Abrahams    
David Adams   
Michael Adams   
Michael Akey
Dan Alden    
Connie Allen
George Allen
Christine Amato (Shaner)
Darlene Anderson
Michael Angelski   
Eric Anglin   
David Antal   
Robert Archer
Laurie Arkin (Johnson)   
Arturo Artidiello
Sixta Artidiello
Christine Atcheson (Hischar)   
Aubrey Baclig
Gordon Bailey
Mary Baird
Sara Baldinger
Lorna Barnett
Jeanine Bauer (Lambert)   
Deborah Bayer
Alisa Belinkoff (Katz)   
Karla Bell
Kristi Benjamin
Karen Benton (Stokes)
Michael Bergman   
Sylvie Besse (Ricord)   
Becky Beyer (Giacomini)   
Wanda Bilings (Butcher)
Susan Billings
David Birtle   
Julene Bjur
David Black
Michael (Mickey) Blackburn    
David Blanche
Steven Blankenship
Brenda Blincow (Yahne)   
Jack Boatman
Richard Boe
Sue Bogosian
Cynthia Bogue
Douglas Bohlmann   
Barbara Boring (McClellan)   
Cathy Jo Borland (Call)
Francie Borland
James Boule
Vickie Bowe
Donald Boyer
Elaine Boyer
Juliet Bradfield (Reyes)   
Corrine Brainard
Joan Bramwell (Wootton)
Harlod Bridges
David Bridgewater
Lawrence Brier
Mark Brill
William Brinegar    
Debra Brown
Kyle Brown
Pamela Brown (Rutledge)
Penelope Ann Brown   
Ronald Brown
Russell Brown
Laurie Brownell
Diane Brownlee
Carol Brownstein (Romero)   
Mayfair Bruderlin
Susan Brumer
Barry Bruns   
Bob Brustad   
Lucianne Buchanan
Gary Buentgen   
Ben Bull   
Christina Bunnell
Alice Burbank
Ronald Burkle
James Burnfin   
Ronald Burton
Barbara Butler
George Butler   
Malinda Buzard
Debra Jo Caan (Bell)
Michael Candela   
Patricia Candela (Sayers)
Fred Canning
Barb Cantwell (Bisel)   
Pamela Card
Tom Carlson   
Juliet Carpenter
William Carr
Elaine Carroll   
Patrick Carroll   
Marsha Carter (Stevens-Pino)   
Roberta Carter
James Case
Patricia Chapline
Carol Chapman
Donald Childress
Maisie Chin
Peter Christensen
Suzanne Clark (Paez)   
Garry Clement
Deborah Clements
Dennis Clements   
Carol Coats
Janis Cochran   
Gary Cohn   
Ronald Coleman
Cindy Colly (Ortiz)   
Samuel Comstock
Stephen Cook
Charles Coombs
Laurie Cooper
Thomas Cooper
Dorothy Cordt (Paxton)  
Bruce Cornell    
Timothy Cox
Christine Crane   
Patricia Crawford
Robert Crawford  
William Crawford
Sandra Critchell
Sonia Cuilty (Donald)
Catherine Cullen
Karen Culotta (Kindrick Cox)   
Michael Daggett
Pam Dahl
Sherry Daniel
James Daniels
Janice Daniels
Donita Davis
William Davis   
Linda Dearborn (Marcotte)
Thomas Deese
Adrienne Delch
Bryon Devine  
Stephen Dickens
Merrily Diehl (Harwood)   
Christie Donofrio
Irene Dooley (Allen)   
Richard Dooley   
Mark Doughty
Edward Drake
Craig Dratzer
Collette Ducey
Criss Ducey   
Brian Duncan
Scott Dunn    
Lee Dunne
James Dunre
Kelly Dwight
Pat Dwyer (Spievak)   
Sandra Dyer
Larry Dyson   
Cindy Edwards
David Edwards
Mark Elias
Richard Elwell   
Sarah Emerson
Donna Eno
Ellen Enriquez (Germaneri)
Jennifer Erikson
Paula Ernst
Alma Escobar
Barbara Farkas
Michael Farrell
Jeff Faust
Michelle Fernandez (Trenti)   
Kristine Fielder (Hollerman)   
David Firman
John Fischer
James Foote
Matt Foster
Michael Foster
Richard Frantz
Maurtyne Fraser
Gilbert Frazee   
James Frishman
Patrick Gale   
Patrick Gallagher   
Georgina Garcia
Kim Garcia
Robert Gass    
Andrew Gerdeman
Timothy Gilbreth
Elizabeth Gilger
Nancy Giuliano (Fisher)
Daniel Gloss
Gregory Godwin
Karla Goethel
David Goldstein   
Gae Victoria Goodrich (Seal)
Howard Gordon   
Jan Gorman   
Lori Gossard   
Ricarda Graham   
James "Jim" Graham, Jr.   
Shelly Greer (Young)   
Kathy Grothe (Brandenberg)
Kathryn Guay
Gregory Gulick
Andy Gutentag
Raliegh Guthrey
Kathy Gutierrez
Linda Gutierrez
Sandra Gutzler (Ashwood)
Patricia Haalst
Jane Haentzchel (Henschel)
Thomas Hakowczyk
Mari Anne Hall  
Sam Halstad
Geoffrey Hamill
Paul Hammond
Mindi Hand
Gayle Hanks-Dee
Richard Earl Hansen  
Steven Hanson
Phillip Hargrove
Cathey Anne Harris (Anderson)   
Nanci Harris  
Pamela Harris
Scott Harris
Rodney Harrison
Sandra Jean Hauch   
Jay Havard   
Carolyn Hayes (Mertz)
Sandra Hazen
Heidi Heckman
Kathy Heggem
Debbie Helman
Sherry Helton   
Carol Henderson
Faith Hendrichs (Jesen)
Michael Henry
William Herkelrath
Steven Hester
Robert "Bob" Magnuson Heuck…   
Rex Hiatt
Janis Hickey
Claudia High
Annette Hill
Frederic "Fred" Hinshaw   
Steven Hinton
Patricia Hoalst
Renee Hoalst (Mould)
Stanley Hockaday  
Peggy A Hoelke (Koegler)    
Donna/Donne Hook (McCormick…)    
Clif Hoover   
Dennis Horrigan
Chuck Horsley   
Vernie House
Mark Howard
Sandra Hubtka
Robert "Bob" Huebner
Anita Huegel
Michael Huk  
Robert "Bobby" Hunter   
Garth Hutchings
Barbara Hynek (Faeustle)
Eileen Innes (Payne)   
Lynn Irvine
John Jablonski
Philip Jaffa (Jaffa)   
Robert Janes
Mitchell Janusz  
Gary Jensen
Jack Jensen
David Jerrold-Jones    
Michael Joevenat
James Johnson
Marcia Jones (Sargent)
Richard L. Jones
Rick Jones (Jones)    
Michael Jouvenat   
Karen Juergens   
Ernest Kaiser
David Kays
Susan Keaton
Deborah Keehan
Ken Kernan
Karen Kessler (Todd)   
Kenneth Kiefer
Mary Kimes
Harry Kinne
David Kittenger
Michael Klenz
Shann Knight
Kristine Kuhns
James Kulvinen
James Christopher "Chris" K…   
Jo Ann Laing
John Waddell Lamont   
Deborah Lanier
Bill Lantz
Karen Larsen
Michael Laub
Mark Layman
Jayne Lee
Vanessa Leibold
Mark Leone
John Lessley    
Randy Levinson   
Susan Lewis
Nadine Lieberman
John Lindemulder
David Lindsey    
Richard Lindstrom
Preston Linker
Andrea Linn
Lance Little
Lawrence Little
John Longwell   
Carmen Lopez
Sarah Lopez
Sarah Grace Lopez
Gordon Lukacik   
Jeff Lund (Lund)   
Robert Lundquist
Elizabeth Lyon
Aniko Makranczy
Judith Makranczy
Susan Malysiak
Christine Mancuso (Wood)    
Irene (Renie) Mancuso (Young)
Steven Marquez
Joshua Marquis   
Carol Martin
Robyn Martin
William Master
Marilyn Matthews
Robert Lee Maxwell
Kevin McCarthy
Stephen McCarthy
Scott McCleery
Jeffrey McConnell
Karen McCurdy
Alison (Allie) McDonald   
Julia McDonald   
Robert McGough
Karen McGready
Scott McKesson
Theresa McLemore
Cathy Jo McNassor   
Dan McQuillan
Steve Mercer
Julie Merrill
Janice Metcalf (Cromer)
Michael Meyer
Kathy Meyers
Sallie Michael
Robert "Buzz" Louis Millar   
Kathleen Miller
Cheryl Moen (Dance)   
Debbara Monroe
Chris Moore   
William S. Moore
Deborah Moran (Haugland)   
Connie Morrison (Anderson)
Penny Morrison (Harwe)   
Ladner Morse
Sheryl Morse
Lindsay Munter
Rhonda Muter
Janet Myers
Sarah Nagler
Linas Naujokaltis   
Meryl Needles
Barbara Nelson
Bob Nelson   
Thomas Nesmith   
Shelly Neuhaus
Shelly Newhouse
Denise Newman
Nancy Nitti (Young)   
Anthony Norris   
Debbie Norris (Lowry)    
Elizabeth "Missy" Norris (Larson)
Steven Norris    
Evah Nutt
Van Nutt
Paul O'Brien
Karen Oines
Lucinda "Cindy" Oleson (Widmark)   
Jon Olson
Marta Olson
Marta Olson
David Orlando
Sandra Oseng
Deborah Palmer
Robert Palmer    
Kimberly Park (Brinegar)  
Debra Parsons (Kuziara)   
Jill Patterson    
Susan Peacock (Ferrell)
Mark Thomas Pearson   
Christine Pedroni    
Lyle Penner   
David Perry
Jon Persons
Richard Petipas
Darrell John Pfeiffer   
Jeffrey Pickryl
Jan Pierce   
Terrance "Terry" Pike   
Colleen Plante (Swolgaard)
Kristin Plessman (Hofmann)    
Jeffrey Ross Plumb   
Jeffrey Poaster
Bruce Poland
James Porter
Terry Porter
Stewart Posner
Del Potter
April Powers
Donna Price (Ray)  
Beth Projector
Stephen Pugh
Byron Purdy
Martin Radley
Charles Ralsten
Claudia Ramlow
John Ramstead
Francis Reckard
Matthew Reckard   
Norman Arthur Relfsnyder   
Kathleen Reynolds
Steven Thomas Reynolds   
Carol Rice
John Richardson
Robert Riddle
Kathleen Roach (Webber)   
Jane Roberts
Karen Roberts
Katherine Robinson (Short)  
Deborah Rohrer (Paes de Barros)
Lisa Ronning  
Kent Rose
Robin Ross (Hayhurst)
Rodney Rugh
Michael Rupp   
Rob Rutland
Kerry Ryan
Patricia Samson   
Linda Sandusky
Bernie Santarsiero   
Deborah Sauer
Jo Schael
Cynthia Schaller (Murray)
Robery Schneider
Paul Schoenlaub   
Cynthia Scholler
Rochelle Ann "Shelly" Schon…   
Michael Schwartz
Walter Schwidetzky    
Violet Scolinos
Bobbi Seapy (Adler)   
Michael Sedgwick
Elissa Katherine Seinfeld (Si…)   
Elissa Katherine Seinfeld (Simkins)
Melinda Self (Harris)    
William Shacklett
Ed Shaw    
Jon Shaw
Robert Shelton
Oscar Sherman
James "Jim" Shiner   
Nargii Shirey
Randy Short
Brian Shyer
Debby Sieber (Balders)   
Brad Sillesen   
Christine Simon
Christine Sinclair
Christine Sinclair   
Ernest (Ernie) Singer   
Chuck Sloan   
Dana Marr Smith (Hermison)   
Frederick Smith
Lillian Soltes
Vincent James "Jim" Soward   
Deborah Speas
Susan St. Clair (Shedd)   
Diana Stahl
Michael Stary
Diana Steed
Joanne Steffen
Jody Steffen (Lawshe)   
Russell Stevens    
Annette Stevenson
Christine Stewart
Marilyn Stiles (Varney)   
Paul St. Maur Stocker
Michael Story
Janet Sullivan
Sue Sullivan (Harper)
Harry Sundberg
James Svenkesen
Jan Swantzbaugh
Roger Swartz
Laura Swenson
Robert "Bob" Swetnam
Dale Swirsky
Dana Tait
Gary Thompson
Stephen Thompson
Jill Thornburg (Ainsworth)   
Connie Tipton
Kathrine "Kathie" Title (Prami)   
Russell Toepfer    
Thomas Tondee   
Chris Toovey   
Manuel Torres
Debbie Townsend
Jill Traniello (Berry)    
Jeffrey Trask
Bonita Travis
Larry Traylor
Susan Turley
Jeffrey Turner   
Cynthia Tuttle
Gilbert Urciel
Carol Vail (Cox)   
Tom Vallone
Chris Vaughn
Deborah Walker
Joanne Walker
Larry Walker
Kenneth Wallace
Rose Wallin   
Judy Ward
Blane Warhurst   
Patricia Washington   
Axel Weber
Kathy Roche Weber
Dinah Wellsand
Mark Wellsand
Stanto Welsh
Kathryn West
Kenneth West   
James Westheimer
Baird Wheatley
John Wheatley
Steve Wheeler
Joseph White
Michelle White
Richard "Richie" Arthur White   
Joel Wilhelm
Marshall Williams
Terry Williams
Dwight "Whitey"Wesley Wilson   
Jeffrey Wilson
Jo Ellen Wilson
Sheree Winger
Holly Wingert
Susan Winter
Nancy Wooton (Herbon)
Jean Wright
Susan Wright
Karen Young
Adele Zans (Hill)    
Karen Zeller
Deborah Zidek
Michael Zsolczai

Guest Members

Peter Wodinsky (Wodinsky)    

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